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Giorgio Signorile: 4 pezzi per chitarra - ed. Ut Orpheus

bonjour à tous. Je vous présente ce nouveau livre, 4 compositions pour guitare solo. ici la préface, je m'excuse, mais il est seulement en italien ou anglais :redface:
http://www.utorpheus.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=2680

"For me, composing music is a way of opening myself up to the world, revealing a part of myself; music-making is speaking to the world, expressing my own artistic and human experience. The kind of language that I like is direct and simple. It is the only way I know and has led me to write music using the repertoire that I have always loved studying and performing in public, filtered though my own sensitivity and inspiration.
These pieces were conceived and written between 2010 and 2012; they are moments of my life that could not continue to be just thoughts, memories and images. In these pieces of music, it’s also possible to find the affection that I have for the guitar. This instrument is able to speak softly and hold timbres that no other instrument can afford...
Le colline di Karen (Karen’s Hills) is a homage to the English writer Karen Blixen, who lived for several years in the region of Ngong hills, Kenya. There, the weather allows the growth of beautiful forests, green plains of tea and coffee plantations, smiling and welcoming people... It is dedicated to Giorgio Mirto.
Quel mare che non c’era (That Sea that was never there) was composed in celebration of the centenary of the foundation of Milano Marittima (Cervia), at the suggestion of my friend Giovanni Demartini, to whom it is dedicated. It is a musical description of the Adriatic sea, that in my memory is the sea of families and holiday camps: friendly and calm. The arpeggio is the leitmotif of this piece, as an imitation of the slow movement of the waves.
La my piccola gioia (My little Joy), as the title suggests, demonstrates my personal joy of playing. It is my job and, as I always say, is unique and wonderful. This piece is written with an unusual tuning, that is different from the traditional one, with the first and the sixth string in D: this gives it a particularly bright mood. The piece sits on the borderline between classical and acoustic genres and is dedicated to Giulio Tampalini.
Variazioni su un respiro (Variations on a Breath) ends the collection and was written for Luigi Picardi. These variations are small changes in the development of the melody: bass additions, arpeggio inversions, tremolos... a musical memory of emotions experienced in the Eternal City."

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